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This past Friday evening, members of the Impact Angel Network (IAN) and distinguished guests met at the Cosmos Club in Washington, D.C. for their first annual National Gathering.

The event started with guests mingling and enjoying cocktails in the West Garden. Members then moved into the Cosmos Club's Powell Room to hear the former Director of the CIA,

and now Chair of KKR's Global Institute, General (ret.) David H. Petraeus, share stories and insights on leadership, investing, Africa and Ethiopia. The evening continued as members gave toasts and shared stories throughout dinner of their Econ-Tourism trips and their investments in Ethiopia. The night concluded with Aman Adinew, CEO of METAD , sharing how his specialty coffee farm created 500 jobs in 2014, positively impacted the local community and is on course to quadruple in size this year.
Members of the IAN met the next morning for a breakfast to discuss multi-generational and legacy investing, and the next evening at the residence of the IAN's Washington D.C. chapter chair - Dr. Andrew Umhau, to discuss updates on the portfolio and upcoming investment opportunities.
The RENEW team would like to thank General Petraeus, Ambassador Tebege Berhe, and the IAN chapter chairs, Dr. Andrew Umhau, Jeff and Donna Turi, and Alan Gardner, and the staff of the Cosmos Club for helping deliver an unforgettable event. We also thank the members of the IAN and their families for coming to D.C. for a memorable spring weekend.
If you are interested in learning more about RENEW, please contact Kathleen DeLaHoussaye at
Renew Capital is an Africa-focused impact investment firm that backs innovative companies with high-growth potential. Renew Capital manages investments made on behalf of the Renew Capital Angels, a global network of angel investors, foundations and family offices who seek financial returns and sustainable social impact. For the latest on investing in Africa, subscribe and follow us at our social links below.
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