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January Resource Blog: Annual Planning Articles and Tools
By Prasoon Raghuwanshi | Sun Dec 31 2017
It’s that time of year again where we finish planning for the year ahead. Here are a few resources to help you:
- Strategic planning is typically an annual process focused on individual business units, however the way executives actually make important strategic decisions, is often quite different. Companies can fix the process if they attack its root problems. A small number of forward-looking companies have thrown out the normal planning processes and replaced them with continuous, issues-focused decision making. Read about how some companies moved from strategic planning to strategic decisions. (From Harvard Business Review)
- Annual planning is an important part of a company’s goals and strategy generation. These goals are the organizations compass to execute the year. Annual plans are a living document that need to be constantly updated. Don’t know where to start? Use this article to help identify the main framework for your company’s plan. (From B to C)
- Interested to read RENEW’s recommended annual management planning process? Here’s a tool you can use to go through the process. Annual planning can feel like an overwhelming task, and it’s easy to get caught up in “firefighting” tasks rather than carving out precious time to plan do the hard, but impactful work of planning. Start somewhere! Here’s to a successful 2018! (From RENEW)

Applications are now being accepted for the second offering of the CFO 100 Program which starts in February 2018. Visit the CFO 100 Program page on our website to learn more.
Image Source: Business2Community: The Importance of the Annual Plan
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