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Out and About with Deliver Addis

By Yoseph Getachew | Wed Nov 29 2017
It's a busy Monday in Addis, people are at work, still trying to get into the swing of the week. Over at the Deliver Addis headquarters, they are preparing for the orders to start to come in. Monday is one of the busiest days of the week as it seems some customers have a weekend hangover and want the convenience of having their lunch delivered to them. On this particular Monday, RENEW decided to ride along with one of the drivers to get a first-hand glimpse of what it’s like to work for Deliver Addis.
Not far away from HQ, Sintayehu a bike driver for Deliver Addis, is all ready to get the orders and feed his hungry customers. As he’s been trained, he is constantly checking his phone to see if orders are coming in. Time is of the essence.
Sintayehu, a young man in his early twenties was born and raised in Addis just next to the African Union headquarters. He says he loves his job at Deliver Addis. He has a manageable timeframe to deliver food to customers and he also uses a user-friendly phone-based technology with a GPS link to the delivery address. The application makes his job easy. The first order of the day came in from an expat couple, who live around a place called Global Hotel. Sinatyehu received the order at 11:25 AM and was already at the restaurant five minutes after the order came in. By 11:52 AM he was at the couples front gate. The wife came and gave him a warm smile, took the food and went back in. He says just seeing the smile on the face of his customers makes his day. Eighteen months after starting this job, Sintayehu has bought a bike and is very excited to continue to work with Deliver Addis in the city he loves. 
Although we didn’t ride along all day with Sintayehu (we didn’t want to slow him down), it was great to see him in action!
RENEW and the Impact Angel Network are proud to partner with Feleg Tsegaye. and the team at Deliver Addis through our investment in Roadrunner Technology Solutions LLC. Want to learn more about the recent investment? Read our October Press Release.

Applications are now being accepted for the second offering of the CFO 100 Program which starts in February 2018. Visit the CFO 100 Program page on our website to learn more.
Renew Capital is an Africa-focused impact investment firm that backs innovative companies with high-growth potential. Renew Capital manages investments made on behalf of the Renew Capital Angels, a global network of angel investors, foundations and family offices who seek financial returns and sustainable social impact. For the latest on investing in Africa, subscribe and follow us at our social links below.

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